Want Lasting Marriage? Say Thanks In Pairs!

How often do you thank your partner? Saying 'thank you' is a simple word. Unfortunately quite a lot of husbands or wives who forget to say it.

Not just forgot who made the couple did not say 'thank you' to the husband or wife. There are also people who think words are not important and feel their partner already knows that they are grateful no need to say it.

Unfortunately, not everyone can read minds. Research shows, thankful or grateful feelings can make a lasting marriage and key couples who live happily.

Cameron L. Gordon, Robyn A.M. Arnette and Rachel E. Smith of the University of North Carolina has proven that one word can make a marriage lasting gratitude. As quoted from ScienceDirect, the research they wrote in a report titled 'Have you thanked your Spouse today?: Felt and expressed Gratitude Among married couples'.

In that study, Cameron, Robyn and Rachel examined 50 couples with marriage age of 20 years. Couples who were respondents in the study were asked to write a diary every day and report on how they express gratitude and give scores at the level of satisfaction in marriage, for two weeks.

After investigation, the researchers found that feelings of gratitude and expressions of the couple in a relationship relates to marital satisfaction. So not only is spoken only, how the couple showed their gratitude also determines the longevity of a marriage.

In research kawank Cameron and his friends were seen, one's feelings in the form of thank you in touch with their partners their satisfaction in marriage. While the expression or gratitude is not very influential. Thus according to the researchers, to create a lasting marriage, not just like to thank all that mattered, but how to keep your partner feel the sincerity of these words.

Psychologist Leslie Becker-Phelps on the site WebMD says, in the presence of the Cameron research, not to say also thank you so always be on any of the couples do. He suggested, often to show his gratitude by some actions such as hugging, kissing, smiling, or statements that show your appreciation.

Meanwhile, in the journal Emotion, is said to express gratitude can make your relationship and your partner the better because that way your partner sees you with even more positive. How do I express the gratitude?

- Open your mind and think about what makes you feel grateful to the presence of the him.
- Express your gratitude by doing something outside that had been normally do, either by words or writings.
- Perform simple things and simple way to express your gratitude. How can cook his favorite food or give him a massage.

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